Okayama University | Professor |
Fine Arts and Music Education (art) Art Education | Professor |
Researcher Information
Field Of Study
- Apr. 2021 - Present
Okayama University, 学術研究院 教育学域, 教授 - Mar. 2016 - Mar. 2021
Okayama University, Graduate School of Education, 教授 - Apr. 2004 - Feb. 2016
Okayama University, Graduate School of Education, 准教授 - Apr. 1993 - Mar. 2004
Okayama University, Faculty of Education, 助教授 - Dec. 1992 - Mar. 1993
Okayama University, Faculty of Education, 講師 - Jul. 1991 - Nov. 1992
筑波大学, 芸術学系, 助手 - Apr. 1989 - Mar. 1991
日本学術振興会, 特別研究員
Research activity information
- Interdisciplinary collaboration between climate and cultural understanding education for promoting the fundamental ESD literacy A report of the lesson practice in the university on climate and "seasonal feeling" in the northern Europe
加藤 内藏進; 加藤 晴子; 赤木 里香子; 大谷 和男
岡山大学教師教育開発センター紀要, Mar. 2019
(9), 9, 183, 198 - A Study of the Effect of Utilizing the Art Appreciation Rubric
FUJITA Masaya; MATSUOKA Hirotoshi; AKAGI Rikako; IZUMIYA Yoshio; OHASHI Isao; KAYA Noriko; NIIZEKI Shin-ya
Bijutsu Kyouiku, 2017
2017(301), 301, 24, 30 - 小学校図画工作科における鑑賞学習指導についての全国調査報告
松岡 宏明; 赤木 里香子; 泉谷 淑夫; 大橋 功; 萱 のり子; 新関 伸也; 藤田 雅也
美術教育 : 日本美術教育学会学会誌, 2017
(301), 301, 60, 67 - 中学校美術科における鑑賞学習指導についての全国調査報告
松岡 宏明; 赤木 里香子; 泉谷 淑夫; 大橋 功; 萱 のり子; 新関 伸也; 藤田 雅也
美術教育 : 日本美術教育学会学会誌, 2017
(301), 301, 68, 75 - Interdisciplinary Class on Comparative Expression of the Seasonal Feeling by Interactive Activities of Art and Music : With Attention to the Asymmetric Seasonal March from Autumn to the next Spring around Japan
加藤 内藏進; 加藤 晴子; 赤木 里香子; 稲田 佳彦
環境制御, Feb. 2016
(37), 37, 16, 26 - An Aspect of Regional Art Education in the Late Meiji and Early Taisho Periods : A Study of the Circulating Magazine "Manabi-no-tsue (Staves for Learning)" Edited by Students of Tojo Combined Ordinary and Higher Elementary School in Hiroshima Prefecture
AKAGI Rikako
The Journal for the Association of Art Education, 2014
35, 1, 14 - Interdisciplinary Class on the Asymmetric Seasonal March from Autumn to the next Spring around Japan in Association with the Seasonal Feeling (Joint Activity with Art and Music Expression of the Seasonal Feeling)
加藤 内藏進; 赤木 里香子; 加藤 晴子; 垪和 優一
環境制御 : 岡山大学環境管理センター報, 2014
(36), 36, 9, 19 - B107 暖候期の降水特性の季節的変化と季節感に関する学際的授業の取り組み : 音楽や美術の鑑賞・表現活動との連携(気象教育,口頭発表)
加藤 内藏進; 加藤 晴子; 赤木 里香子; 大谷 和男; 光畑 俊輝; 森塚 望
大会講演予講集, 2013
103, 62, 62 - C310 春と秋の季節進行の非対称性からみる日本の季節サイクル : 季節感を接点とする学際的授業開発の一視点(気象教育,口頭発表)
加藤 内藏進; 加藤 晴子; 赤木 里香子; 山田 悠海; 佐藤 紗里; 大谷 和男
大会講演予講集, 2013
104, 400, 400 - Asymmetric Seasonal March from Autumn to the next Spring around Japan (At the Viewpoint of Development of Interdisciplinary Class on the Climate Environment and the Seasonal Feeling)
加藤 内藏進; 加藤 晴子; 佐藤 紗里; 山田 悠海; 赤木 里香子; 大谷 和男
環境制御 : 岡山大学環境管理センター報, 2013
(35), 35, 23, 30 - The Strategies and the Outcomes of the Board for the Cooperation with Schools, Okayama Prefectural Museum of Art
Bijutsu Kyouiku, 2013
2013(297), 297, 34, 42 - Seasonal cycle of precipitation around Japan in warm season with attention to the heavy rainfall days:(Basis for interdisciplinary class on the climate environment around Japan and the variety of seasonal feeling)
Kato Kuranoshin; Mitsuhata Toshiki; Moriduka Nozomi; Otani Kazuo; Iino Naoko; Takahashi Nobuto; Kato Haruko; Akagi Rikako
Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers, 2013
2013, 20, 20 - Interdisciplinary Class in Okayama University on the Climate Environment around Japan in Association with the Variety of Seasonal Feeling (with Attention to the Seasonal Cycle of Rainfall in the Warm Season)
加藤 内藏進; 赤木 里香子; 加藤 晴子; 大谷 和男; 西村 奈那子; 光畑 俊輝; 森塚 望; 佐藤 紗里
環境制御 : 岡山大学環境管理センター報, 2012
(34), 34, 25, 35 - 『西洋美術101鑑賞ガイドブック』掲載作品に関する現地調査報告 : ウィーン、ドレスデン、ベルリン (特集 海外調査報告)
赤木 里香子
美術教育 : 日本美術教育学会学会誌, 2012
(296), 296, 48, 57 - Joint Activity of Meteorology with Music and Art through a class on the Climate System and its relation to the Variety of "Seasonal Feeling" around Japan in the Faculty of Education
加藤 内藏進; 加藤 晴子; 赤木 里香子
岡山大学教師教育開発センター紀要, Mar. 2011
(1), 1, 9, 27 - 共同討議 "つながる力"をともに育てる美術館と学校--地域からの、地域への発信 (第59回[日本美術教育学会]学術研究大会 岡山大会報告)
赤木 里香子; 森 弥生; 中平 千尋
美術教育, 2011
(294), 294, 70, 83 - Case study on the substantiality of a master's degee course curricula in gduate school: introduction of common subjects and course for this curricul in the graduate shool of educatin, Okayama University
喜多 雅一; 赤木 里香子; 桑原 敏典
Journal of Japan Association of Universities of Education, 2009
27, 93, 105 - Integrated activities of art making and appreciation through curation: lessons in the unit "create your own art museum" in junior high school
赤木 里香子; 森 弥生
Bulletin of Faculty of Education,Okayama University, 2008
(137), 137, 49, 57 - The Interconnection of Art Making and Appreciation through Curation:: An Illustration from the Lessons of «Ce n' est pas une tasse»
MORI Yayoi; AKAGI Rikako
Bijutsu Kyouiku, 2008
2008(291), 291, 56, 65 - A Typology for Art Appreciation Instructions
Bijutsu Kyouiku, 2006
2006(289), 289, 8, 15 - 第三の領域"キュレーション"がめざすもの--<見せる>意義を語る場をつくる (仲介の感性論 鑑賞教育再考--学校と美術館を取り結ぶもの)
赤木 里香子; 山口 健二
美術フォーラム21, 2005
11, 104, 108 - Art Museums as Resources for Junior High School Art Education : A Report on the Lessons Focusing on Digital Imaging in Kurashiki
MORI Yayoi; AKAGI Rikako
The Journal for the Association of Art Education, 2004
25, 427, 439 - Museum's Support for the Professional Development of In-Service Teachers in the US : Within the Historical Background of the Art Education Reform around the End of the 20th Century
The Journal for the Association of Art Education, 2004
25, 441, 455 - シンポジウム・共同討議 鑑賞教育の内容と方法--学校と美術館との連携をさぐる (第52回学術研究大会・岡山大会報告)
赤木 里香子; 人見 和宏; 平田 健生
美術教育, 2004
(287), 287, 17, 35 - Teenagers'Vliew on Drawing, Picture and Writing in the Early Meiji 10th Era : Based on the Analysis of Contributions to Eisai-Shinshi.
AKAGI Rikako
The Journal for the Association of Art Education, 2000
21, 13, 26 - Acceptance of Western Information on Art Education in Early Meiji Era : Description on 'Drawing' in Japanese Versions of Western Education Books.
赤木 里香子
The Journal for the Association of Art Education, 1991
12, 1, 12 - Some Theories of Picture and Pictorial Perception : A Debate on J.J. Gibson's Direct Theory
赤木 里香子
The Journal for the Association of Art Education, 1990
11, 21, 30 - A Study on a Concept "Nature" involved in Art Education : Ecological Approach
赤木 里香子
The Journal for the Association of Art Education, 1987
9, 249, 259
- 近代日本図画手工教科書データベースの拡充とその活用に向けた調査研究
赤木 里香子; 金子 一夫
第46回 美術科教育学会 弘前大会 発表概要集, Mar. 2024
Lead - 美術教育史研究部会 戦後日本美術教育史研究の視座を探る(2)
赤木 里香子
第45回 美術科教育学会 兵庫大会 発表概要集, Mar. 2023
Lead - The Challenges and Prospects of HistoricalResearch of Art Education based on the Database of Drawing Textbooks in Modern Japan
AKAGI Rikako; Takuro; KANEKO Kazuo; YAMAGUCHI Kenji
第44回 美術科教育学会 東京大会 発表概要集, Mar. 2022
Lead - 記念講演会「洋画家たちの歩みと学びー美術教育との関わりを中心に」(抜粋)
高梁市成羽美術館だより, Mar. 2021
Lead - Possibility of Historical Research by Utilizing Database of Drawing Textbooks in the Meiji Period
Rikako Akagi; Kenji Yamaguchi; Kazuo Kaneko; Takuro Tsunoda
第43回 美術科教育学会 愛媛大会 発表概要集, Mar. 2021
Lead - 『総社3校合同大鑑賞会~風神雷神の魅力を伝え合おう~』指導講評
令和2年度 岡山県中学校美術教育研究大会 倉敷大会 研究紀要, Feb. 2021
Books and other publications
- 美術科教育の基礎
監修; 東良 雅人; 村上 尚徳; 編集; 山田 芳明; 福田 隆真; 福本 謹一; 執筆者; 赤木 里香子ほか, Contributor, 第1章 美術教育とは何か 1-5 造形表現の発達と類型 34 児童画研究の歴史(pp.51‐53.)
建帛社, Jan. 2024
9784767921358 - 今、ミュージアムにできること : せとうち美術館ネットワークの挑戦
山木 朝彦; せとうち美術館ネットワーク事務局; せとうち美術館ネットワーク; 大原 謙一郎; 平山 助成; 蓑 豊; 宮脇 理, Contributor, 第3章 ミュージアムの位相:その理論と実際 「一般公衆の利用」に供する美術館であるために
せとうち美術館ネットワーク, Nov. 2019
9784865844399 - Drawing Education Worldwide!: Continuities - Transfers - Mixtures
Nino Nanobashvili; Tobias Gerhard Teutenberg, Contributor, The Evolution of Drawing Education in Modern Japan:The Impact of Traditional and Introduced Methods on the Artworks of Elementary Students in the Meiji Era
Heidelberg University, Jun. 2019 - 美術教育学の歴史から
美術科教育学会美術教育学叢書企画編集委員会; 金子 一夫, Contributor, 第1章 戦前日本美術教育史研究の歴史―美術教育史研究の起源と発展
美術科教育学会,学術研究出版/ブックウェイ, Mar. 2019
9784865843958 - 美術教育ハンドブック
大橋, 功; 小野, 康男; 佐藤, 哲夫; 竹井, 史; 直江, 俊雄; 永守, 基樹; 新関, 伸也; 松岡, 宏明; 水島, 尚喜; 神林, 恒道; 藤江, 充, Contributor, Ⅱ 美術教育の歴史と体系 9 「臨画」と「自由画」 /赤木 里香子 89-98
三元社, Mar. 2018
9784883034529 - Lernt zeichnen! : Techniken zwischen Kunst und Wissenschaft 1525–1925
Heilmann; Maria ほか編著; 分担執筆; AKAGI Rikako; YAMAGUCHI Kenji, Contributor, Drawing Education in the Late 19th Century:The Case of Japan
Dietmar Klinger, 2015
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- 近代日本図画手工教科書データベースの拡充とその活用に向けた調査研究
赤木 里香子; 金子 一夫
第46回 美術科教育学会 弘前大会, Mar. 2024 - The Challenges and Prospects of HistoricalResearch of Art Education based on the Database of Drawing Textbooks in Modern Japan
第44回 美術科教育学会 東京大会, Mar. 2022
Affiliated academic society
Research Themes
- Accumulation of art pedagogical studies in teachers colleges in Japan after the second world war
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 01 Apr. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2026
有田 洋子; 金子 一夫; 長瀬 達也; 赤木 里香子; 竹内 晋平; 藤井 康子 - Research and study on the expansion and utilization of the database of drawing and handicrafts textbooks in the Meiji, Taisho, and early Showa periods
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Apr. 2022 - Mar. 2025
AKAGI Rikako; TSUNODATakuro; KANEKO Kazuo; YAMAGUCHI Kenji - 「アートを介した社会課題の理解」のための探求型鑑賞モデルの開発と実践研究
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C), 基盤研究(C), 01 Apr. 2020 - 31 Mar. 2023
小川 真司; 赤木 里香子; 田村 朋久; 伊藤 駿 - Historical Research on Cross-curriculum Learning based on Enhancement and Utilization of the Database of Drawing Textbooks in the Meiji Period
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 01 Apr. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2022
Akagi Rikako - The Reserch of OKURA Magobei in Modern Japan Art History
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 01 Apr. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2022
Tsunoda Takuro - Integrated Research for Database Construction of Drawing Textbooks in the Meiji Period
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 01 Apr. 2015 - 31 Mar. 2018
Akagi Rikako - A Practical Research to Expand and Disseminate Models of Art Appreciation Education at School
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 01 Apr. 2014 - 31 Mar. 2018
Matsuoka Hirotoshi - Development of interdisciplinary ESD study plan based on the climate environment around East Asia and the variety of seasonal feeling there
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, 2011 - 2013
KATO Kuranoshin; UNO Koji; KATO Haruko; AKAGI Rikako - Practical studies in building a support system for teachers making educational materials of Japan's traditional culture out of local museums' collection
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, 2011 - 2013
YAMAGUCHI Kenji; AKAGI Rikako; OOHASHI Isao; HIIRATA Asaichi; OKAMONTO Yuko - Development of teaching material and visual models of learning art appreciation utilizing the "101 Japanese art and Western art"
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2009 - 2011
NIIZEKI Shinya; IZUMIYA Yoshio; OHASHI Isao; AKAGI Rikako; KAYA Noriko; MATSUOKA Hiroaki; OSHIMA Akira - 多彩な季節感を育む東アジア気候系とその変調を捉える「眼」の育成へ向けた学際研究
日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的萌芽研究, 挑戦的萌芽研究, 2008 - 2010
加藤 内藏進; 加藤 晴子; 赤木 里香子; 湯川 淳一 - Researches and Comparative Studies in the Actual Situations Of Appreciation Education in East Asia
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2004 - 2006
KAYA Noriko; KAMBAYASHI Tunemichi; UMEZAWA Keiichi; NIZEKI Shinya - Practical Study for Development and Promotion C18of Integrated Unit Models of Art Making and Appreciation through Curation
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2004 - 2006
AKAGI Rikako; YAMAGUCHI Kenji - Research Regarding Curriculum Development for "Appreciation" Learning Within Arts Education
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2003 - 2004
OSHIMA Akira; NIIZEKI Shin-ya; KANBAYASHI Tunemichi; UMEZAWA Keiichi; MATUOKA Hirotoshi; IZUMIYA Yoshio - A Comparative Study on the Function of Cultural Distribution by Higher Education Institutes in US and Japan
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2001 - 2003
Media Coverage
- 美の粋 KEYWORD 近代日本図画手工教科書データベース
日本経済新聞社, 日本経済新聞 日曜版, 15面:窪田直子氏による連載「絵を描こう(中) 自分の気持ち 線と色にのせて」の「試行重ねた教科書 大正期は個性重視」にて取り上げていただいた。, 11 Feb. 2024, Paper - 岡山後楽園を小中学生が絵図片手に「発見」散歩 岡山大生がサポート
岡山経済新聞, 岡山経済新聞, https://okayama.keizai.biz/headline/1538/, 21 Jul. 2023, Internet - 120年前の教科書から考える「鑑賞」
アイアイ 地方における鑑賞教育の取り組みを探るメディアサイト, アイアイプロジェクト インタビュー, https://aiai.nokanuchi.com/interview-akagi/, 04 Apr. 2023, Internet