By course
A "◎" in the "Main Supervisor" column indicates a person who is qualified as a main supervisor (hereinafter referred to as "main supervisor"), and a blank column indicates a person who is qualified as a supervisor (hereinafter referred to as "supervisor").
A principal supervisor is a faculty member who is qualified to provide research guidance and lectures at the graduate school.A supervisor is a faculty member who is qualified to assist with research guidance and give lectures at the graduate school.

"*1" in the "Job title" column indicates that the person is scheduled to retire at the end of March 2025, "*2" indicates the employee is scheduled to retire at the end of March 2026, and "*3" indicates the employee is scheduled to retire at the end of March 2027. is showing.
"Professor*1", "Professor*2", and "Specially Appointed Professor" cannot become new main instructors.

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