Hyogo University of Teacher Education | Professor |
Fine Arts and Music Education(music) Vocal Music | Professor |
Profile: 196310
Researcher Information
- Apr. 2022 - Present
Hyogo University of Teacher Education - Apr. 2007
Hyogo University of Teacher Education, Graduate School of Education - Apr. 2005
Hyogo University of Teacher Education, Graduate School of Education - Apr. 2004
Hyogo University of Teacher Education, Faculty of School Education - Apr. 1993 - Mar. 2001
同朋学園名古屋音楽大学非常勤講師 - Apr. 1998
Hyogo University of Teacher Education, Faculty of School Education - Apr. 1994 - Mar. 1998
Research activity information
- 「音楽科教育法Ⅲ」の授業改善に関する一考察 ー模擬授業、教壇実習にみる学生の問題意識に着目してー
河邊昭子; 草野次郎; 野本立人
Feb. 2018
第52巻, 135, 147 - The Practice of Teaching Methods II・III・IV for Music Education in Collaboration with Teaching Methodology Staffs and Subject Studies Staffs
河邊昭子; 草野次郎; 木下千代; 野本立人; 河内勇
兵庫教育大学研究紀要, Sep. 2017
第51巻, 139, 151 - 「大学生のパーソナリティ特性が音楽評価に及ぼす影響」
『実技教育研究』, 2003
(第17号), 第17号 - Grouping and analysis of the text of Brahms's choral works
Nomoto Tatsuhito
Hyogo University of Teacher Education journal. Ser. 2, Language studies, social sciences, fine arts and music, 2003
第23巻, 73, 88 - 「教員養成大学における「総合演習」の試み」
『兵庫教育大学研究紀要』, 2002