Joetsu University of Education | Lecturer |
Health and Living Sciences Education(Technology) Content Studies in Technology Education | Lecturer |
Researcher Information
Field Of Study
- Apr. 2021 - Present
Joetsu University of Education, 大学院学校教育研究科, 講師 - Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2021
Joetsu University of Education, Graduate School of Education, 助教 - Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2018
Kyoto University, Graduate School of Informatics, 特定研究員 - Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2017
Waseda University, Department of Electrical Engineering and Bioscience, 助手
Educational Background
- Apr. 2013 - Mar. 2016, Waseda University, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering and Bioscience
- Apr. 2011 - Mar. 2013, Waseda University, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering and Bioscience
- Apr. 2007 - Mar. 2011, Waseda University, School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering and Bioscience
Research activity information
- Development of Learning Assessment Criteria Based on Project-Solving Learning-Process Model in an Industry Subject, and Estimation of its Criterion-Related Validity and Reliability
Tomonari Saeki; Katsuiro Simatake; Yusuke Okajima; Yasumasa Oomori; Sadato Yamazaki
日本産業技術教育学会誌, Mar. 2024, Reviewed
66(1), 1, 23, 35 - 工業高校電気系学科生徒の自己評価に基づく観点別評価の学力とエフォートフル・コントロールとの関連分析
佐伯智成; 岡島佑介; 大森康正; 山崎貞登
日本産業技術教育学会誌, Mar. 2023, Reviewed
65(1), 1, 11, 21 - 工業高校電気系学科生徒の自己評価に基づく観点別評価の学力到達度と自己調整学習力との関連分析
佐伯智成; 岡島佑介; 大森康正; 山崎貞登
日本産業技術教育学会誌, Jun. 2022, Reviewed
64(2), 2, 93, 102 - ゲノム編集技術をテーマとした技術ガバナンスレビュー学習のフレーミング効果の影響
磯部征尊; 水野頌之助; 山崎貞登; 岡島佑介; 大森康正; 上野耕史
日本産業技術教育学会誌, Mar. 2022, Reviewed
64(1), 1, 53, 63 - A Study on Core Disciplinary Benchmarks in the Standards for Technological and Engineering Literacy for Pre-K to Grade 12 : Suggested Revisions for 2020
Sadato YAMAZAKI; Yusuke OKAJIMA; Yasumasa OOMORI; Masataka ISOBE
上越教育大学研究紀要 = Bulletin of Joetsu University of Education, Mar. 2021
40(2), 2, 641, 651 - Curriculum Design and Assessment Regarding Technological Governance Learning in Bio-nurturing Technology Emphasized in Cooperation with STEAM Education and Metacognitive Ability
水野頌之助; 岡島佑介; 大森康正; 磯部征尊; 山崎貞登
日本産業技術教育学会誌(Web), 2021, Reviewed
63(2), 2 - The Influence of Strengthened Collaboration with STEM Education in the Revision of the Content Standards for Technology and Engineering Literacy for PreK to 12th Grade (STEL) by the International Technology and Engineering Educators Association (ITEEA)
山崎 貞登; 磯部 征尊; 大森 康正; 岡島 佑介
科学教育研究 = Journal of science education in Japan, 2021
45(2), 2, 128, 141 - An Analysis of the Relation Between Metacognitive Capability and the Level of Attainment of Study Item Targets in Energy Technology Education
Yusuke OKAJIMA; Takashi ICHIMURA; Shonosuke MIZUNO; Yasumasa OOMORI; Sadato YAMAZAKI
日本産業技術教育学会誌, Dec. 2020, Reviewed
Lead, 62(4), 4, 339, 347 - Load Frequency Control and Real-Time Pricing with Stochastic Model Predictive Control
Taro Yanagiya; Yusuke Okajima; Tomoaki Hashimoto; Toshiyuki Ohtsuka
SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, Sep. 2020, Reviewed
13(5), 5, 215, 224 - How Busy Teachers Feel About Upcoming Programing Education?:Designed and carried out a lesson study of programing education for the
Takayuki OSHIMA; Hiroshi SAITO; Yusuke Okajima
上越教育大学研究紀要 = Bulletin of Joetsu University of Education, Aug. 2020
40(1), 1, 33, 43 - Economic impact and market power of strategic aggregators in energy demand networks
Yusuke Okajima; Kenji Hirata; Vijay Gupta
Economically Enabled Energy Management: Interplay Between Control Engineering and Economics, Jan. 2020
153, 180 - Real‐Time Pricing of Two Area Interconnected Power System by Stochastic Model Predictive Control
水谷守裕; 岡島佑介; 橋本智昭; 大塚敏之
システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM), May 2019
63rd, ROMBUNNO.GSb09‐6 - An Improvement of Constructional Rationale for Developing "Systematic Tables of the Learning Units Plans through 7th-9th Grades" in the Technology Subject Field
Yasumasa Oomori; Yasufumi Kawarada; Masataka Isobe; Tomohiro Ueno; Takashi Ichimura; Shonosuke MIZUNO; Yusuke Okajima; Takashi Higashihara; Ziye Li; Sadato Yamazaki
上越教育大学研究紀要 = Bulletin of Joetsu University of Education, 2019
38(2), 2, 403, 414 - A Comparative Study of Japan, the United States and England on Aims and Attainment Targets with the Developmental Standard of Learners for Computing/Programming Education at the Elementary and Secondary Education Stages
Masataka Isobe; Yasumasa Oomori; Yusuke Okajima; Yasufumi Kawarada; Tomohiro Ueno; Kyohei Yamazaki; Sadato Yamazaki
上越教育大学研究紀要 = Bulletin of Joetsu University of Education, 2019
39(1), 1, 179, 193 - An Improvement of Coherent Tables of Learning Attainment Targets to Make Learners Develop Technological Governance and Innovative Competency through Elementary, Lower and Secondary Schools from the View Points of STEM/STEAM Education
Sadato Yamazaki; Yusuke Okajima; Takashi Higashihara; Yasumasa Oomori; Ziye Li; Masataka Isobe; Kyohei Yamazaki
上越教育大学研究紀要 = Bulletin of Joetsu University of Education, 2019
39(1), 1, 195, 206 - 大容量風力発電導入時における確率モデル予測制御による実時間価格制度
柳谷太郎; 岡島佑介; 橋本智昭; 大塚敏之
自動制御連合講演会(CD-ROM), Nov. 2018
61st, ROMBUNNO.3D1 - A Study on Performance Indices in Model Predictive Control for Real‐time Pricing with Renewable Energies
石黒貴大; 岡島佑介; 大塚敏之
計測自動制御学会制御部門マルチシンポジウム(CD-ROM), Mar. 2018
5th, ROMBUNNO.Su53‐4 - Strategic behavior and market power of aggregators in energy demand networks
Yusuke Okajima; Kenji Hirata; Toshiyuki Murao; Takeshi Hatanaka; Vijay Gupta; Kenko Uchida
2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2017, Jan. 2018, Reviewed
2018-, 694, 701 - Strategic Battery Storage Management of Aggregators in Energy Demand Networks.
Yusuke Okajima; Kenji Hirata; Vijay Gupta; Kenko Uchida
IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, CCTA 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 21-24, 2018, 2018, Reviewed
444, 449 - Real-time pricing for LQG power networks with independent types: A dynamic mechanism design approach
Toshiyuki Murao; Kenji Hirata; Yusuke Okajima; Kenko Uchida
European Journal of Control, Jan. 2018, Reviewed
39, 95, 105 - エネルギー需要ネットワークにおける分散最適化とアグリゲータの戦略的入札
平田研二; 岡島佑介; 西澤幸蔵; 内田健康
自動制御連合講演会(CD-ROM), Nov. 2017
60th, ROMBUNNO.SaA1‐4, 285 - エネルギー需要ネットワークにおける市場支配力を最大化するアグリゲータ
岡島佑介; 村尾俊幸; 畑中健志; 平田研二; 内田健康
自動制御連合講演会(CD-ROM), 2016
59th, ROMBUNNO.ThB1‐5 - Integration of Constrained Energy Demand Network Using AGV Mechanism under Uncertain Information Environment
岡島佑介; 村尾俊幸; 平田研二; 内田健康
システム制御情報学会論文誌, Aug. 2015
28(8), 8, 356, 365 - LQエネルギー需要ネットワークにおける戦略的Biddingのための最適化手法
御山恵未; 岡島佑介; 村尾俊幸; 平田研二; 内田健康
計測自動制御学会制御部門マルチシンポジウム(CD-ROM), Mar. 2015
2nd, ROMBUNNO.633-1 - Integration of Day-ahead Energy Market Using VCG Type Mechanism under Equality and Inequality Constraints
Yusuke Okajima; Toshiyuki Murao; Kenji Hirata; Kenko Uchida
187, 194 - アグリゲータを設けたエネルギー需要ネットワークのモデル化及び最適化に関する考察
岡島佑介; 村尾俊幸; 畑中健志; 平田研二; 内田健康
自動制御連合講演会(CD-ROM), 2015
58th, ROMBUNNO.2A1‐3 - LQエネルギー需要ネットワークにおける戦略的Bidding
御山恵未; 岡島佑介; 村尾俊幸; 村尾俊幸; 平田研二; 平田研二; 内田健康; 内田健康
自動制御連合講演会(CD-ROM), Nov. 2014
57th, ROMBUNNO.3A00‐4, 1860 - Interim and Ex Post Incentive on LQ Energy Demand Network under Uncertain Information Environment
岡島 佑介; 村尾 俊幸; 平田 研二
システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集, May 2014
58, 6p - Dynamic Balanced Integration Mechanism for LQG Power Networks with Independent Types
Toshiyuki Murao; Yusuke Okajima; Kenji Hirata; Kenko Uchida
1395, 1402 - Integration Mechanisms for LQ Energy Day-ahead Market Based on Demand Response
Yusuke Okajima; Toshiyuki Murao; Kenji Hirata; Kenko Uchida
1, 8 - Real time pricing and pivot mechanism for LQG power networks
Yusuke Okajima; Toshiyuki Murao; Kenji Hirata; Kenko Uchida
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, 2013, Reviewed
495, 500 - Integration of LQ Energy Demand Network Using VCG Mechanism under Uncertain Information Environment
Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 2013
49(12), 12, 1186, 1195
Books and other publications
- 「人間力」を育てるー上越教育大学からの提言6ー
山崎貞登; 岡島佑介; 東原貴志; 大森康正; 山﨑恭平; 市村尚史; 水野頌之助; 磯部征尊, Contributor, STEAM教育からのSociety5.0の実現に必要な「人間力」と「技術リテラシー」の育成
上越教育大学出版会,永田印刷 (発売), Mar. 2022
9784990997373 - ポストコロナと教育 : 上越教育大学の実践と考察
山崎貞登; 岡島佑介; 東原貴志; 大森康正; 水野頌之助; 大谷忠; 磯部征尊, Contributor, ウィズ/ポストコロナ社会に挑む技術教育からのリスクリテラシーとデジタルリテラシー育成
上越教育大学出版会,永田印刷株式会社出版部 (発売), Jun. 2021
9784990997342 - Economically enabled energy management : interplay between control engineering and economics
Takeshi Hatanaka; Yasuaki Wasa; Kenko Uchida, Contributor, Chapter 7, Chapter 10
Springer, 2020
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- ゲノム編集技術に基づく生物育成分野の技術ガバナンスレビュー学習のカリキュラムデザイン
水野頌之助; 山崎貞登; 磯部征尊; 岡島佑介; 大森康正; 上野耕史
日本産業技術教育学会第31回北陸支部大会, Nov. 2020 - 中学校技術分野及び教員養成教材としての倒立振子教材の開発
高野一真; 岡島佑介
日本産業技術教育学会 第63回全国大会, Sep. 2020 - STEAM教育からのゲノム編集技術をテーマにした技術ガバナンスレビュー学習の概念的知識と学習方略
水野頌之助; 市村尚史; 岡島佑介; 大森康正; 磯部征尊; 山崎貞登
日本産業技術教育学会 第63回全国大会, Sep. 2020 - STEAM教育からの病原リスクリテラシーと生物技術ガバナンスレビュー学習の概念的知識と学習方略
山崎貞登; 水野頌之助; 市村尚史; 岡島佑介; 大森康正; 磯部 征尊
日本産業技術教育学会 第63回全国大会, Sep. 2020 - エネルギー変換の技術学習における「主体的に学習に取り組む態度」と「メタ認知力」の関連分析
岡島佑介; 市村尚史; 水野頌之助; 大森康正; 山崎貞登
日本産業技術教育学会 第30回北陸支部大会, Nov. 2019 - 新採用の大学教員の附属中学校における学校実習
岡島佑介; 市村尚史; 水野頌之助; 大森康正; 山崎貞登
日本産業技術教育学会 第62回全国大会, Aug. 2019 - 新採用大学教員の学校現場研修における教材研究の試行
岡島佑介; 市村尚史; 水野頌之助; 大森康正; 山崎貞登
日本産業技術教育学会 第62回全国大会, Aug. 2019
Affiliated academic society
Research Themes
- Development of an Elementary and Secondary Model Curriculum for Fostering AI and Digital Fabrication Literacy
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 01 Apr. 2021 - 31 Mar. 2024
山崎 貞登; 人見 久城; 磯部 征尊; 大森 康正; 東原 貴志; 岡島 佑介