Naruto University of Education | Professor |
Natural Science Education (science) Physics | Professor |
Researcher Information
1991年6月 理学博士(大阪大学)Current research field (keyword)
準安定液体の物理化学Current fields of research and their synopses
Physical Chemistry of Metastable Liquids
Thermodynamic and spectroscopic study on supercooled liquid and related states in simple molecular substance. Special interest is focussed on correlation in molecular dynamics with amorphous structure.Major subjects overseen
(Graduate schools)
(Graduate schools)Affiliated academic societies
溶液化学研究会Major activities in academic societies and society
日本化学会教育・普及部門委員Major research achievement
Thermochimica Acta, A DTA apparatus for vapour-deposited samples. Characterisation of some vapour-deposited hydrocarbons., Joint authorship, 1990
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Thermodynamic study of 1-butene. Exothermic and Endothermic relaxation phenomena near the glass transition., Joint authorship, 1991
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Thermo-analytical study of vapor-deposited n-alkanes., Joint authorship, 1991
Thermochimica Acta, Thermodynamic characterization of vapor-depsosited amorphous solids., Joint authorship, 1995
Journal of Physical Chemistry, Calorimetric study on structural relaxation of 1-pentene in vapor-deposited and liquid-quenched glassy states., Joint authorship, 1995
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, Entropy-theoretical analysis of glass transitions in binary mixtures., Joint authorship, 1997
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Thermodynamic Investigation of Glass Transition in Binary Polyalcohols., Joint authorship, 1998
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Thermodynamic Study of the Glass Transition in Polyamine-Polyalcohol Mixtures: Entropy Theoretical Interpretation of Anomalous Glass Transition Behavior., Joint authorship, 1999
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, A Metastable Solid Phase at the Crystalline-Amorphous Border: The Glacial Phase of Triphenyl Phosphite., Joint authorship, 2001
Physica B: Condensed Matter, Boson Peaks in Hydrogen Bonded Molecular Glasses., Joint authorship, 2002
Netsu Sokutei, Relation between the Glass Transition and Hydrogen Bond Density in Hydrogen Bonded Binary Solutions, Joint authorship, 2007
多価アミン-多価アルコール系の相挙動_en Japan Society of Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis, Presentation , Domestic academic society (nationwide), , 2012
Chemical Physics Letters, Observation of equilibrium liquid-liquid transition in triphenyl phosphite, Joint authorship, 2013
Fragility and Glass Transition for 1,2-Propanediol Solution of Lithium Tetrafluoroborate_en International Symposium on Structural Thermodynamics 2014, Joint name, Overseas academic society, , 2014
エチレンジアミン-エチレングリコール二成分系の相図_en The 50th Anniversary Japanese Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis, Joint name, Domestic academic society (nationwide), , 2014
亜リン酸トリフェニルにおける液-液平衡相転移の観測_en , Joint name, Domestic academic society (nationwide), , 2015
多価アミン-多価アルコール系の相挙動_en , Presentation , Domestic academic society (nationwide), , 2015
NaClO4-1,2-プロパンジアミン溶液のフラジリティと溶媒和構造_en , Joint name, Domestic academic society (nationwide), , 2015
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Fragility and glass transition for binary mixtures of 1,2-propanediamine and NaClO4, Joint authorship, 2016
CGIを使ったWebレスポンスシステムの試作と大学化学教育での利用例_en , Symposium / invited lecture, Domestic academic society (nationwide), , 2016
氷熱量計の化学教育への応用_en , Presentation , Domestic academic society (nationwide), , 2016
Color Change of Litmus Papers with Phosphate Buffer Solutions_en , Joint name, Domestic academic society (regional block), , 2016
LiBF4-1,2-プロパンジオール溶液の粘度測定_en , Joint name, Domestic academic society (nationwide), , 2016
, , Joint authorship, 2017
Journal of Solution Chemistry, Density, viscosity, and glass transition of an ethylenediamine-ethylene glycol binary system, Joint authorship, 2017
, , Joint authorship, 2017
Chemical Physics, Effects of adding LiBF4 on the glass-transition kinetics of 1,2-propanediol, Joint authorship, 2017
Effects of Solvents and Solutes on Glass Transition and Fragility for Polyalcohol and Polyamine Solutions of Inorganic Salts_en The 8th International and the 10th Japan-China Joint Symposium on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis, Joint name, Overseas academic society, , 2017
スワジランド王国における熱物理学に関する現職教員研修_en , Joint name, Overseas academic society, , 2017
, , Joint authorship, 2018
, , Joint authorship, 2018
武田清,寺島幸生,米澤義彦,香西武・スワジランド王国における高校理科教育高度化プロジェクトへの国際協力_en , Presentation , Domestic academic society (nationwide), , 2018
寺島幸生,武田清,米澤義彦,香西武・スワジランド大学における物理の教員研修_en , Joint name, Domestic academic society (nationwide), , 2018
寺島幸生,杉本尚之,森愛実,武田清・ガラス転移とフラジリティに反映されるアルコールおよびアミン溶液の水素結合構造の違い_en , Joint name, Domestic academic society (nationwide), , 2018Research activities over the past five years
亜リン酸トリフェニルにおける液-液平衡相転移の観測_en , Joint name, Domestic academic society (nationwide), , 2015
多価アミン-多価アルコール系の相挙動_en , Presentation , Domestic academic society (nationwide), , 2015
NaClO4-1,2-プロパンジアミン溶液のフラジリティと溶媒和構造_en , Joint name, Domestic academic society (nationwide), , 2015
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Fragility and glass transition for binary mixtures of 1,2-propanediamine and NaClO4, Joint authorship, 2016
CGIを使ったWebレスポンスシステムの試作と大学化学教育での利用例_en , Symposium / invited lecture, Domestic academic society (nationwide), , 2016
氷熱量計の化学教育への応用_en , Presentation , Domestic academic society (nationwide), , 2016
Color Change of Litmus Papers with Phosphate Buffer Solutions_en , Joint name, Domestic academic society (regional block), , 2016
LiBF4-1,2-プロパンジオール溶液の粘度測定_en , Joint name, Domestic academic society (nationwide), , 2016
, , Joint authorship, 2017
Journal of Solution Chemistry, Density, viscosity, and glass transition of an ethylenediamine-ethylene glycol binary system, Joint authorship, 2017
, , Joint authorship, 2017
Chemical Physics, Effects of adding LiBF4 on the glass-transition kinetics of 1,2-propanediol, Joint authorship, 2017
Effects of Solvents and Solutes on Glass Transition and Fragility for Polyalcohol and Polyamine Solutions of Inorganic Salts_en The 8th International and the 10th Japan-China Joint Symposium on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis, Joint name, Overseas academic society, , 2017
スワジランド王国における熱物理学に関する現職教員研修_en , Joint name, Overseas academic society, , 2017
, , Joint authorship, 2018
, , Joint authorship, 2018
武田清,寺島幸生,米澤義彦,香西武・スワジランド王国における高校理科教育高度化プロジェクトへの国際協力_en , Presentation , Domestic academic society (nationwide), , 2018
寺島幸生,武田清,米澤義彦,香西武・スワジランド大学における物理の教員研修_en , Joint name, Domestic academic society (nationwide), , 2018
寺島幸生,杉本尚之,森愛実,武田清・ガラス転移とフラジリティに反映されるアルコールおよびアミン溶液の水素結合構造の違い_en , Joint name, Domestic academic society (nationwide), , 2018