Joetsu University of Education | Professor |
School Educational Methodology Educational Content and Methodology | Professor |
Researcher Information
Field Of Study
- Oct. 2015 - Present
Joetsu University of Education, Graduate School of Education, 教授 - Oct. 2010 - Present
Hyogo University of Teacher Education, 大学院連合学校教育学研究科, 「教育工学・教育情報学特別研究」D合 と判定 - Apr. 2008 - Sep. 2015
Joetsu University of Education, Graduate School of Education, 准教授 - Apr. 2007 - Mar. 2008
Joetsu University of Education, 学校教育総合研究センター, 准教授 - Feb. 2004 - Mar. 2007
Joetsu University of Education, 学校教育総合研究センター, 助教授 - Sep. 2001 - Jan. 2004
Joetsu University of Education, 学校教育総合研究センター, 講師 - Apr. 1999 - Aug. 2001
The University of Electro-Communications, Graduate School of Information Systems, 助手 - Jun. 1995 - Mar. 1999
Naruto University of Education, 学校教育研究センター, 助手
Educational Background
- Apr. 1995 - Jul. 1995, The University of Electro-Communications, Graduate School of Information Systems, 博士後期課程情報システム設計学専攻 退学
- Apr. 1993 - Mar. 1995, The University of Electro-Communications, Graduate School of Information Systems, 博士前期課程情報システム設計学専攻 (修士(工学))
- Mar. 1993, Tokyo Gakugei University, Faculty of Education, 情報環境科学課程(学士(教養))
Member History
- Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2016
日本教育実践学会, 第18回研究大会実行委員会事務局 - Apr. 2010 - Mar. 2011
日本教育実践学会, 第13回研究大会実行委員会事務局 - Jun. 2004 - Jun. 2009
日本教育工学会, 企画委員会 - Apr. 2008 - Mar. 2009
日本教育工学会, 第24回全国大会大会実行委員会 - Apr. 2007 - Mar. 2008
日本教育実践学会, 第10回研究大会実行委員会事務局 - Sep. 2003 - Aug. 2005
教育システム情報学会, CSCLと支援技術特別委員会 - Apr. 2000 - Mar. 2004
情報処理学会, グループウェアとネットワークサービス研究委員会 - Apr. 2001 - Mar. 2003
日本教育工学会, 研究会委員会 - Apr. 2000 - Mar. 2002
教育システム情報学会, 情報教育特別委員会
Research activity information
- 小学校1年生が積極的に取り組む授業の特性
角谷詩織; 井上久祥
上越教育大学研究紀要, Mar. 2015
34, 101, 110 - Achievements and Issues with Educational Quality Assurance Efforts Based on the Standard of the Joetsu University of Education : Focusing on "Collaborative Reflection" in "Teaching Practice Exercise" and "Teaching Practice" Classes
釜田聡; 安藤知子; 井上久祥
日本教育大学協会研究年報, Mar. 2014, Reviewed
32, 133, 144 - Basic Study on Collaborative Reflection in Junior High School Teaching Practice : With Reference to the Rubric of Teaching Practice
釜田聡; 井上久祥; 石川真
日本教育大学協会研究年報, Mar. 2013, Reviewed
31, 105, 117 - Relationship between Teachers' Attributes, Training Participation Circumstances, Sense of Self-efficacy and Cognizance of the Teaching Profession : A case study of elementary and junior high school teachers in Shimajiri District, Okinawa Prefecture
小林 稔; 南部 昌敏; 金城 勲; 浦野 弘; 三橋 功一; 井上 久祥; 我那覇 ゆりか
京都教育大学紀要, Mar. 2012
(120), 120, 57, 68 - A development of the in-service training system in the school including the teacher's collaboration and reflection activities: a case study on lesson study within Ogu-Dairoku Elementary School
Nanbu Masatoshi; Hasegawa Hidenori; Kinjo Isao; Kobayashi Minoru; Urano Hiroshi; Mitsuhashi Koji; Inoue Hisayoshi
Bulletin of Joetsu University of Education, 2011
30, 85, 94 - Development of Course Materials in Pre-service Teacher Education Lecture Focused on Students' Inference Activity with Classroom Cases
INOUE Hisayoshi; MASHIKO Norifumi
Japan journal of educational technology, Dec. 2008, Reviewed
32(Suppl.), Suppl., 29, 32 - Development of materials for improvement in-service lectures based on cooperative region model
Inoue Hisayoshi; Mashiko Norifumi
Bulletin of Joetsu University of Education, Feb. 2008
27, 43, 54 - 資料 工学系大学院における産学共同教育プログラムの実践と評価--相互作用を重視したインターネット遠隔教育の一事例
岡本 敏雄; 井上 久祥; 関 一也; 香山 瑞恵; 松居辰則
日本教育工学雑誌 = Japan journal of educational technology : 日本教育工学会論文誌 / 日本教育工学会 編, Mar. 2002, Reviewed
25(4), 4, 247, 258 - 授業理解を促すための類似度評価機能を持つ授業事例ベースシステム
関一也; 松居辰則; 岡本敏雄
日本教育工学会論文誌, Dec. 2001, Reviewed
25(3), 3, 163, 175 - 文部科学省産学共同教育プログラムの実施について―インターネット利用の遠隔教育の実践を通じて―
岡本敏雄; 井上久祥
日本工学教育協会,工学教育, 2001, Reviewed
49(2), 2, 29, 35 - Construction of the Distance Teacher's Self-Training System based on the School Based Curriculum
SEKI Kazuya; INOUE Hisayoshi; MATSUI Tatsunori; OKAMOTO Toshio
教育システム情報学会誌, Oct. 2000, Reviewed
17(3), 3, 307, 318 - Application of Internet Bulletin Board to Distance Communication, Learning and Instruction
INOUE Hisayoshi
JSSE Research Report, 1998
13(1), 1, 61, 66 - The communication for collaborative thinking
Sannomiya Machiko; Tanaka Yuji; Tanaka Michiharu; Inoue Hisayoshi
Bulletin of Research Center for School Education, Naruto University of Teacher Education, 1998
12, 51, 59 - 授業設計支援エキスパートシステムの構築
井上久祥; 岡本敏雄
日本教育工学雑誌, Jun. 1996, Reviewed
20(1), 1, 33, 47 - The Development and Evaluation of the Practical Course for Computer Beginners
Minagawa Takeshi; Nagano Kazuo; Inoue Hisayoshi
Bulletin of Research Center for School Education, Naruto University of Teacher Education, 1996
10, 61, 70 - A research on a view of education and its changeability among in-service teachers (2) : the comparison of data from master course students and graduates
Iwanaga Sadamu; Tanpo Keizou; Shimamune Satoru; Shibayama Akiyoshi; Mashiko Norifumi; Aoki Mari; Yagi Shigekazu; Takahara Mitsue; Inoue Hisayoshi
Research bulletin of educational sciences Naruto University of Teacher Education, 1996
11, 125, 134
- On the training program development of cooperative teaching study with awareness applied to classroom observation in the course (elective) for teacher's license renewal
MITSUHASHI Koichi; YAMAZAKI Shokichi; NANBU Masatoshi; URANO Hiroshi; KOBAYASHI Minoru; INOUE Hisayoshi
JSSE Research Report, 2011
26, 3, 41, 46 - Development of teaching program to promote "expression ability" : Assessment for extraction of design skills
OGAWA Mikiko; INOUE Hisayoshi
Research report of JET Conferences, 11 Mar. 2006
2006, 2, 205, 212 - 学校-大学間の地域連携モデルに基づく大学講義の改善 : 学校現場の実践知が教員養成系学部学生に与える効果
井上 久祥; 益子 典文
日本教育工学会研究報告集, 28 Jan. 2006
2006, 1, 71, 76 - Instructional Design Method of Utilizing Electronic Information Board for Collaborative Thinking
MIYAO Norihisa; INOUE Hisayoshi
日本教育工学会大会講演論文集, 23 Sep. 2004
20, 613, 614 - Development of Editing Tool for the Assessment by the Viewpoint in the Information Education : Structure Analysis of Knowledge Reprezentation for Rublic
INOUE Hisayoshi
日本教育工学会大会講演論文集, 23 Sep. 2004
20, 303, 304 - The Development of Web Contents with the Function of Guidance for Individual Problem Solution
OYA Yuji; INOUE Hisayoshi
日本教育工学会大会講演論文集, 23 Sep. 2004
20, 305, 306 - Development of The Learning Materials Effecting Proficiency in Operation of Information Technology Equipments on The Context of Problem Solving
HAYAKAWA Hidenori; INOUE Hisayoshi
日本教育工学会大会講演論文集, 23 Sep. 2004
20, 333, 334 - The Method of Group Formation on The Learner's Characteristics : The Group Formation Supporting System for Effective Group Decision-making in Distance Learning Environment
INOUE Hisayoshi; HANYU Kanako
IPSJ SIG Notes, 16 Sep. 2004
2004, 94, 19, 24 - Development of In-service Teacher Education Program for the Assessment by the Viewpoint in the Information Education : Sharing the Viewpoint about Learner Assessment via the Developing Rubrics by Teachers
Research report of JET Conferences, 10 Jul. 2004
2004, 4, 49, 56 - Development of a Bulletin Board System with the Visualized Information Leading Activated Opinion Exchange Condition
TAKAHASHI Takuya; INOUE Hisayoshi
IEICE technical report. Education technology, 15 Nov. 2003
103, 467, 1, 6 - The Group Formation Supporting System for Effective Group Decision-making in Distance Learning Environment : The Method of Group Formation on The Learner's Characteristics
HANYU Kanako; INOUE Hisayoshi
IEICE technical report. Education technology, 15 Nov. 2003
103, 467, 7, 11 - Development of Editing Tool for the Assessment by the Viewpoint in the Information Education
INOUE Hisayoshi
日本教育工学会大会講演論文集, 11 Oct. 2003
19, 2, 663, 664 - Fieldwork of Strategies in the School Management for Computerization at Schools
KONDO Shigeto; INOUE Hisayoshi
日本教育工学会大会講演論文集, 11 Oct. 2003
19, 2, 667, 668 - Effectiveness of Developing Rubric by Community of Teachers
ISHIZEKI Keita; INOUE Hisayoshi
日本教育工学会大会講演論文集, 11 Oct. 2003
19, 2, 665, 666 - A Study of Training Program for Producing Skills of Video Contents in Teacher Education
NANBU Masatoshi; FUKUMOTO Daisaku; HAYASHI Noriaki; URANO Hiroshi; INOUE Hisayoshi; AKAHORI Masayoshi
日本教育工学会大会講演論文集, 11 Oct. 2003
19, 2, 885, 886 - Comprehensive Investigation on System, Contents and Management of Lecture Delivering via the Internet
MATSUI Tatsunori; SEKI Kazuya; OKAMOTO Toshio; INOUE Hisayoshi
IEICE technical report. Education technology, 26 Jul. 2003
103, 226, 47, 52 - Realization of the virtual seminar : Case analysis of synchronous collaborative learning
INOUE Hisayoshi
IPSJ SIG Notes, 19 Mar. 2003
2003, 33, 85, 88 - Development of Curriculum for Media Literacy Education Focusing on the Program Structure (1)
NANBU Masatoshi; URANO Hiroshi; INOUE Hisayoshi
日本教育工学会大会講演論文集, 02 Nov. 2002
18, 649, 650 - On the cooperative Linkage Program between University and Industry using e-Learning System
OKAMOTO Toshio; KAYAMA Mizue; MATSUI Tatsunori; INOUE Hisayoshi; IWAZAKI Kumiko
日本教育工学会大会講演論文集, 02 Nov. 2002
18, 37, 40 - Development of Editing Tool for the Assessment by the Viewpoint in the Information Education : Definition of Structure and Knowledge Representation toword Rubrics
INOUE Hisayoshi
Research report of JET Conferences, 28 Sep. 2002
2002, 5, 35, 42 - Development of supporting tool making dialogue visualization in asynchronous: GIJIROKU
知久 大興; 井上 久祥; 松居 辰則
Research report of JET Conferences, 03 Nov. 2001
1, 6, 15, 20 - Video Call Demand System of Classroom Teaching via Internet Environment : For Building An Remote Educational System for Supporting Teacher's Self-learning
INOUE Hisayoshi; OKAMOTO Toshio
Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 29 Aug. 2001
2001, 312, 313 - The development of hypermedia language-learning environment on the Web for teaching academic English (ITを利用した教育実践と教員教育)
Chen Jin; Inoue Hisayoshi; Okamoto Toshio
日本教育工学会研究報告集, 25 Aug. 2001
1, 5, 21, 26 - Realization of the virtual seminar specification of asynchronous learning material based on cooperative work
Inoue Hisayoshi; Rikuta Yasuyuki; Okamoto Toshio
IPSJ SIG Notes, 22 Mar. 2001
2001, 32, 43, 46 - Development of supporting tool making dialogue visualization in asynchronous : GIJIROKU
CHIKU Masaki; INOUE Hisayoshi; OKAMOTO Toshio
Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 2001
37, 37, 37 - Video On Demand System of Classroom Teaching via Internet Teacher Learning Environment
INOUE Hisayoshi; OKAMOTO Toshio
教育工学関連学協会連合全国大会講演論文集 = Joint Conference on Educational Technology, 07 Oct. 2000
6, 2, 345, 346 - Construction and Evaluation of the Distance Teacher's Self-Training System
SEKI Kazuya; INOUE Hisayoshi; MATSUI Tatsunori; OKAMOTO Toshio
教育工学関連学協会連合全国大会講演論文集 = Joint Conference on Educational Technology, 07 Oct. 2000
6, 2, 343, 344 - 『情報教育』のための授業実践事例ベースシステムの開発~事例修正機構の実装~
井上久祥; 岡本敏雄
信学技報, 2000
ET99-121,, 59, 66 - 『情報教育』のための授業実践事例ベースシステムの研究~授業事例ベースシステムの性能および教育効果の評価~
井上久祥; 岡本敏雄
信学技報, 2000
ET2000-29, 55, 62 - インターネットを利用した教師研修システム
関一也; 鷹岡亮; 井上久祥; 岡本敏雄
情報処理学会第60回(平成12年前期)全国大会講演論文集(第4分冊), 2000
317, 318 - 遠隔教師研修モデルに基づく教師教育システムの開発
関一也; 鷹岡亮; 井上久祥; 岡本敏雄
信学技報, 2000
ET99-100, 37, 44 - An Education System for teachers based on the Distance Education Model
SEKI Kazuya; TAKAOKA Ryo; INOUE Hisayoshi; MATSUI Tatsunori; OKAMOTO Toshio
IEICE technical report. Education technology, 23 Apr. 1999
99, 31, 49, 54 - Construction of the Instructional Design Environment for Distance Group Communication :The Case study of Development of Database Supporting for Information Technology Education Curriculum
Inoue Hisayoshi; Ishiuti Hisatsugu; Watanabe Kiminori
Bulletin of Research Center for School Education, Naruto University of Teacher Education, 1999
13, 97, 102 - A Design and Managing of the Media System for Instruction and Learning
Inoue Hisayoshi; Sannomiya Machiko; Shimamune Satoru
Bulletin of Research Center for School Education, Naruto University of Teacher Education, 1999
13, 103, 109 - The Design Model for Constructing Environment of Distance Learning and Instruction
Inoue Hisayoshi
Research bulletin of educational sciences Naruto University of Teacher Education, 1999
14, 177, 184 - 分散オブジェクト・アーキテクチャに対応したWeb-CAIの構成
井上久祥; 岡本敏雄
教育システム情報学会第24回全国大会論文集, 1999
105, 106 - 情報科教育法内容項目検討のためのアンケート調査
井上久祥; 岡本敏雄
日本教育工学会第15回全国大会論文集, 1999
719, 720 - 高校普通科新教科『情報』実践事例べースシステムの開発~事例検索,事例修正機構の実装~
井上久祥; 岡本敏雄
教育システム情報学会研究報告, 1999
99, 3, 26, 31 - 高校普通科新教科『情報』実践事例ベースシステムの開発~事例修正機構の実装~
井上久祥; 岡本敏雄
日本教育工学会研究報告集, 1999
JET2000-1, 41, 46 - 遠隔教師教育のための動画像検索システムの研究~動画像特徴から意図を同定する映像検索機構~
井上久祥; 岡本敏雄
情報処理学会第60回全国大会, 1999
719, 720 - 授業映像検索システムの研究~知能メディア指向の遠隔自己学習支援システム『RAPSODY』の構築を目指して~
井上久祥; 岡本敏雄
信学技報, 1999
ET99-32, 191, 198 - インターネット上の遠隔教育モデルに基づいた教師研修システム
関一也; 鷹岡亮; 井上久祥; 岡本敏雄
日本教育工学会第15回大会講演論文集, 1999
541, 542 - インターネットを利用した教師研修システムの開発
関一也; 鷹岡亮; 井上久祥; 岡本敏雄
教育システム情報学会研究報告, 1999
99, 3, 20, 25 - The Analysis of the Audio-Visual Record Collaborating Teachers in Designing Instruction
INOUE Hisayoshi
日本教育工学会大会講演論文集, 26 Sep. 1998
14, 611, 612 - 表現・コミュニケ-ション能力を意図した情報教育の実践事例に関する考察--教師の授業設計作業を記録した映像・音声の構造化
井上 久祥
日本教育工学会研究報告集, 12 Jul. 1997
97, 79, 82 - 小中学生向けの情報教育カリキュラムの学習項目の検討とその評価方法の開発--体験すべき学習活動を中心としたカリキュラムの管理と枠組みの整理
井上 久祥; 永野 和男; 波多野 和彦
日本教育工学会研究報告集, 25 Jan. 1997
97, 125, 130 - A research on a view of education and its changeability among in-service teachers (3) : the comparison of data from master course students, granduates and other teachers
Iwanaga Sadamu; Tampo Keizo; Shimamune Satoru; Shibayama Akiyoshi; Mashiko Norifumi; Aoki Mari; Yagi Shigekazu; Takahara Mitsue; Inoue Hisayoshi
Research bulletin of educational sciences Naruto University of Teacher Education, 1997
12, 85, 92 - 授業設計における教師の問題解決とその支援に関する一考察--教育を実践する教師にとっての授業設計支援 (教育実践研究の新しい展開--鳴門教育大学 1996年7月13日(土))
井上 久祥; 岡本 敏雄
日本教育工学会研究報告集, 13 Jul. 1996
96, 43, 48 - 自学自習テキスト「HyperCardによる作品づくり」の開発とその評価(2)--認知的要因に基づく自学自習教材の評価 (特集 マルチメディアとインタ-ネット)
井上 久祥; 皆川 武; 永野 和男
日本教育工学会研究報告集, 09 Dec. 1995
95, 37, 42 - Development and Evaluation of Self-Instructional Textbooks for Computer Begginers
MINAGAWA Takeshi; NAGANO Kazuo; INOUE Hisayoshi
日本教育工学会大会講演論文集, 03 Nov. 1995
11, 445, 446 - Development of Instructional Design Supporting System : Application of IDSS to Teacher Education
INOUE Hisayoshi; OKAMOTO Toshio
日本教育工学会大会講演論文集, 03 Nov. 1995
11, 197, 198 - Development of Decision-making supporting System for Instructional Design
OKAMOTO Toshio; INOUE Hisayoshi
Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 05 Sep. 1995
1995, 272, 272 - Development and Evaluation of Expert System for Instructional Design
INOUE Hisayoshi; OKAMOTO Toshio
教育システム情報学会研究報告, 22 Apr. 1995
1995, 1, 133, 140 - Development and Evaluation of Expert System for Instructional Design
INOUE Hisayoshi; OKAMOTO Toshio
IEICE technical report. Education technology, 22 Apr. 1995
95, 14, 137, 144 - Development of Expert System for Instructional Design (3) : Making of Instructional Design Supporting System
OKAMOTO Toshio; INOUE Hisayoshi; MATSUDA Noboru; INOUE Mitsuhiro; SUGAI Katsuo; WATANABE Shigeyoshi; HATANO Kazuhiko
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 = Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI, 20 Jun. 1994
8, 777, 780
Books and other publications
- Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnoses of Gifted Children and Adults: ADHD, Bipolar, OCD, Asperger's, Depression, and Other Disorders
Webb, James T.; Amend, Edward R.; Beljan, Paul; Webb, Nadia E.; Kuzujanakis, Marianne; Olenchak, F. Richard; Goerss, Jean; 角谷, 詩織; 榊原, 洋一, Joint translation, 第12章 診断のプロセス
北大路書房, Sep. 2019
9784762830815 - 「実践力」を育てるー上越教育大学からの提言2
井上久祥; 高野浩志; 石川真, Joint work
Dec. 2017 - 「思考力」を育てるー上越教育大学からの提言1
井上久祥; 高野浩志; 石川真, Joint work
上越教育大学出版会, Jun. 2017 - 人工知能と教育工学-知識創産指向の新しい教育システム-
岡本敏雄; 香山瑞恵; 安間文彦; 井上久祥; 植野真臣, Contributor, 3.3節「帰納論理プログラミング」,3.4節「演繹的学習」,3.5節「類推的学習」(57~72頁)
オーム社, Feb. 2008 - インターネット時代の教育情報工学2 ニュー・テクノロジー編
岡本敏雄; 稲葉晶子; 井上久祥, Contributor, 第9章「準記号処理アプローチからの教育応用」
森北出版, May 2001
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
- 2K6 学校運営及び教育改善のための校務情報化の導入普及方法ついて : 先進5地方自治体における校務情報化調査((課題研究2)ICTを活用した教育支援環境,教育の原点に光を当てる〜乱流の中の本流を見出す〜)
上市 善章; 赤堀 侃司; 加藤 直樹; 宮寺 庸造; 井上 久祥; 前田 光男; 村松 祐子; 森本 泰弘
年会論文集, Aug. 2010 - Development of teaching program to promote "expression ability" : Assessment for extraction of design skills
OGAWA Mikiko; INOUE Hisayoshi
Research report of JET Conferences, Mar. 2006 - Instructional Design Method of Utilizing Electronic Information Board for Collaborative Thinking
MIYAO Norihisa; INOUE Hisayoshi
日本教育工学会大会講演論文集, Sep. 2004 - Development of The Learning Materials Effecting Proficiency in Operation of Information Technology Equipments on The Context of Problem Solving
HAYAKAWA Hidenori; INOUE Hisayoshi
日本教育工学会大会講演論文集, Sep. 2004 - Development of Editing Tool for the Assessment by the Viewpoint in the Information Education : Structure Analysis of Knowledge Reprezentation for Rublic
INOUE Hisayoshi
日本教育工学会大会講演論文集, Sep. 2004 - The Development of Web Contents with the Function of Guidance for Individual Problem Solution
OYA Yuji; INOUE Hisayoshi
日本教育工学会大会講演論文集, Sep. 2004 - The Method of Group Formation on The Learner's Characteristics : The Group Formation Supporting System for Effective Group Decision-making in Distance Learning Environment
INOUE Hisayoshi; HANYU Kanako
IPSJ SIG Notes, Sep. 2004 - Development of In-service Teacher Education Program for the Assessment by the Viewpoint in the Information Education : Sharing the Viewpoint about Learner Assessment via the Developing Rubrics by Teachers
Research report of JET Conferences, Jul. 2004 - The Group Formation Supporting System for Effective Group Decision-making in Distance Learning Environment : The Method of Group Formation on The Learner's Characteristics
HANYU Kanako; INOUE Hisayoshi
IEICE technical report. Education technology, Nov. 2003 - Development of a Bulletin Board System with the Visualized Information Leading Activated Opinion Exchange Condition
TAKAHASHI Takuya; INOUE Hisayoshi
IEICE technical report. Education technology, Nov. 2003 - A Study of Training Program for Producing Skills of Video Contents in Teacher Education
NANBU Masatoshi; FUKUMOTO Daisaku; HAYASHI Noriaki; URANO Hiroshi; INOUE Hisayoshi; AKAHORI Masayoshi
日本教育工学会大会講演論文集, Oct. 2003 - Fieldwork of Strategies in the School Management for Computerization at Schools
KONDO Shigeto; INOUE Hisayoshi
日本教育工学会大会講演論文集, Oct. 2003 - Effectiveness of Developing Rubric by Community of Teachers
ISHIZEKI Keita; INOUE Hisayoshi
日本教育工学会大会講演論文集, Oct. 2003 - Development of Editing Tool for the Assessment by the Viewpoint in the Information Education
INOUE Hisayoshi
日本教育工学会大会講演論文集, Oct. 2003 - Comprehensive Investigation on System, Contents and Management of Lecture Delivering via the Internet
MATSUI Tatsunori; SEKI Kazuya; OKAMOTO Toshio; INOUE Hisayoshi
IEICE technical report. Education technology, Jul. 2003 - Realization of the virtual seminar : Case analysis of synchronous collaborative learning
Inoue Hisayoshi
IPSJ SIG Notes, Mar. 2003 - On the cooperative Linkage Program between University and Industry using e-Learning System
OKAMOTO Toshio; KAYAMA Mizue; MATSUI Tatsunori; INOUE Hisayoshi; IWAZAKI Kumiko
日本教育工学会大会講演論文集, Nov. 2002 - Development of Curriculum for Media Literacy Education Focusing on the Program Structure (1)
NANBU Masatoshi; URANO Hiroshi; INOUE Hisayoshi
日本教育工学会大会講演論文集, Nov. 2002 - Development of Editing Tool for the Assessment by the Viewpoint in the Information Education : Definition of Structure and Knowledge Representation toword Rubrics
INOUE Hisayoshi
Research report of JET Conferences, Sep. 2002 - TOWARD THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN INTELLIGENT MEDIA ORIENTED e-LEARNING ENVIRONMENT : The practice and the future vision of the e-Learning program at graduate school
Kayama Mizue; Okamoto Toshio; Matsui Tatsunori; Inoue Hisayoshi; Seki Kazuya
Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, Mar. 2002
Affiliated academic society
Research Themes
- A Study on the Effects of In-service Training in the School includingthe Teacher's Collaboration and Reflection Activities for Improvement in the TeachingPractice Ability and children's scholastic attainments.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2010 - 2012
NANBU Masatoshi; URANO Hiroshi; MITUHASHI Kouichi; KOBAYASHI Minoru; INOUE Hisayoshi - Methodology of teachers' team organization and assessment based on competency model for school informationization
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2006 - 2008
INOUE Hisayoshi; SAEGUSA Kazuhiro; OGAWA Mikiko; YASUDA Hitomi; TAKANO Yoshimori; TONOGAKI Hiroyuki; HORIMOTO Takashi; SHINBASHI Nami - Development of Visual Literacy Training Programs for Elementary and Junior High School Students and In-Service Teacher Training and the Remote In-Service Teacher Training Support System.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2004 - 2006
NANBU Masatoshi; URANO Hiroshi; AKAHORI Masayoshi; INOUE Hisayoshi; NANBU Masatoshi - Research on Knowledge Sharing and generating metadata for CSCL
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2002 - 2004
OKAMOTO Toshio; KAYAMA Mizue; HONDA Toshiaki; UENO Maomi; TAMURA Yasuhisa; MIYADERA Youzo - Development and evaluation of training programs for audio-visual literacy andability of making visual products focusing on the program structure
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2002 - 2003
NANBU Masatoshi; AKAHORI Masayoshi; INOUE Hisayoshi; URANO Hiroshi - Curriculum Development for Distant Collaboration between school children and Research and Development of Learning Resource Database on the Internet
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), 1996 - 1997
NAGANO Kazuo; UDO Masahiro; INOUE Hisayoshi; OKUMURA Hideki; MURANO Kentaro; HARA Katsuhiko - A Study on the In-service Teacher Education with Educational Technological Paradigm
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 1995 - 1997
NISHINOSONO Haruo; INOUE Hisayoshi; MASHIKO Norifumi; ONOSE Masato; MURAKAWA Masahiro - Intelligent interactive system for extracting knowledge of pedagogical strategies/tactics on instructional design
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 1995 - 1996
OKAMOTO Toshio; INOUE Hisayoshi; ITOH Takeshi; MATSUDA Noboru